Call for Papers
This journal is open to contributors from all fields of human endeavor, as long as such contributions include a problem description, a model suggestion and evaluation, and a policy recommendation. Alternatively, submitted papers might include either a theoretical or an educational complexity theory treatment with some policy implication.
Our call for papers is open on a rolling basis for our bi-annual issues. To submit an individual paper proposal, please send a title and an abstract to the Journal on Policy & Complex Systems' Editorial Assistant, Isabel Britez, at [email protected].
As members of the scientific community, our editorial values are guided by the principles of academic rigor, openness, and inclusivity. The journal is Open Access, there is no submission fee. Students and practitioners are encouraged to contribute research.
The final version submission must follow the following manuscript guidelines:
Editorial Procedure
Time to First Decision: From submission to first decision, the journal aims to provide authors with a quick decision. Reviewers are given a tight deadline to review the manuscript. In most cases, the decision is made in 2-4 weeks. The timing can fluctuate depending upon several variables: the length of your article, the availability of reviewers if the topic is narrow, and the depth of reviewing necessary if the manuscript is lacking straightforward components, such as suitable references. Clear and concise language and presentation will help editors and reviewers concentrate on the scientific content of your paper and thus smooth the peer review process. NOTE: special issues of the journal are given an option to adapt a different schedule for decisions.
Time to Publication: Once an article is accepted, the files are immediately provided to the production department for processing. Assuming proofs are returned quickly, the article should be published in the upcoming issue. We currently have 2 yearly issues, plus additional special issues.
Our call for papers is open on a rolling basis for our bi-annual issues. To submit an individual paper proposal, please send a title and an abstract to the Journal on Policy & Complex Systems' Editorial Assistant, Isabel Britez, at [email protected].
As members of the scientific community, our editorial values are guided by the principles of academic rigor, openness, and inclusivity. The journal is Open Access, there is no submission fee. Students and practitioners are encouraged to contribute research.
The final version submission must follow the following manuscript guidelines:
- Single space, using one font only (serif) and one color only (black).
- Left align (do not right justify).
- Please make sure that all tracked changes or other revision marks have been accepted as final (no hidden text, comments, etc.).
- No “soft returns” or forced line breaks.
- No underlines, in urls or anywhere else. For emphasis please use italics.
- Do not use automatic hyphenation.
- Do not apply styles. Default (“normal”) should be the only style in your document.
- Block quotes should be formatted using the indent feature.
- Do not use tables for text body layout.
- Single space between period and start of next sentence.
- Remove hyperlinks and all other formatting from text and footnotes.
- Do not use tabs, forced line breaks, or any styles in text or footnotes.
- If your document contains images, please supply us with the most high-resolution images available. 300 dpi is ideal for print. Images pulled from websites do not print well.
- Images will be printed in grayscale. Please be aware of this when using charts that depend on color for their interpretation.
- We cannot accept documents with equations inserted using Word’s Equation Editor; our layout program deletes them. Please make equations part of the text flow, and format them in Times New Roman or Minion Pro.
Editorial Procedure
Time to First Decision: From submission to first decision, the journal aims to provide authors with a quick decision. Reviewers are given a tight deadline to review the manuscript. In most cases, the decision is made in 2-4 weeks. The timing can fluctuate depending upon several variables: the length of your article, the availability of reviewers if the topic is narrow, and the depth of reviewing necessary if the manuscript is lacking straightforward components, such as suitable references. Clear and concise language and presentation will help editors and reviewers concentrate on the scientific content of your paper and thus smooth the peer review process. NOTE: special issues of the journal are given an option to adapt a different schedule for decisions.
Time to Publication: Once an article is accepted, the files are immediately provided to the production department for processing. Assuming proofs are returned quickly, the article should be published in the upcoming issue. We currently have 2 yearly issues, plus additional special issues.