Volume 3, Issue 2, Fall 2017
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Table of Contents
Scenarios of Social Conflict Dynamics on Duplex Networks
Miron Kaufman, Sanda Kaufman, Hung The Diep
Scenarios of Social Conflict Dynamics on Duplex Networks
Miron Kaufman, Sanda Kaufman, Hung The Diep
Modeling Social Media Effect on Civil Revolutions
Nazmiye Gizem Bacaksizlar and Mirsad Hadzikadic
Modeling Genocide at the System and Agent Levels
Elizabeth M. von Briesen, N. Gizem Bacaksizlar, Mirsad Hadzikadic
II. Social Structures
Dynamics of Intergovernmental Networks: Harnessing Agent-Based Modeling Simulations for Resilient Infrastructures
Asim Zia, Christopher Koliba
Education System Intervention Modeling Framework
Pratik Mital, Roxanne A. Moore, Donna C. Llewellyn
Censorship as/and Social Good: Modeling the Publication of Mark Twain’s Autobiography
Jeremy Throne
Modeling Complexity in Human Built Systems: New Approaches, New Findings in Foster Care
Fred Wulczyn, John Halloran
A Novel Evolutionary Algorithm for Mining Noisy Survey Datasets with an Application Toward Combating Chagas Disease
John P. Hanley, Donna M. Rizzo
III. Social Behavior
Modeling a Victim-Centered Approach for Detection of Human Trafficking Victims Within Migration Flows
Brant M. Horio, Kyle M. Ballard
Simulating Heterogeneous Farmer Behaviors under Different Policy Schemes: Integrating Economic Experiments and Agent-Based Modeling
Shang Wu, Asim Zia, Mengyuan Ren, Kent Messer
Citizen-centric Government Services Ecosystem: An Agent-Based Approach to the Theory of Planned Behavior
James R. Thompson, Trevor Caskey, Alison Dingwall, Zoe Henscheid
IV. Future Directions
Plato’s Cave to Unite Americans and Save Democracy but Not Without Analytics
Maury Seldin, Liz Johnson
Nazmiye Gizem Bacaksizlar and Mirsad Hadzikadic
Modeling Genocide at the System and Agent Levels
Elizabeth M. von Briesen, N. Gizem Bacaksizlar, Mirsad Hadzikadic
II. Social Structures
Dynamics of Intergovernmental Networks: Harnessing Agent-Based Modeling Simulations for Resilient Infrastructures
Asim Zia, Christopher Koliba
Education System Intervention Modeling Framework
Pratik Mital, Roxanne A. Moore, Donna C. Llewellyn
Censorship as/and Social Good: Modeling the Publication of Mark Twain’s Autobiography
Jeremy Throne
Modeling Complexity in Human Built Systems: New Approaches, New Findings in Foster Care
Fred Wulczyn, John Halloran
A Novel Evolutionary Algorithm for Mining Noisy Survey Datasets with an Application Toward Combating Chagas Disease
John P. Hanley, Donna M. Rizzo
III. Social Behavior
Modeling a Victim-Centered Approach for Detection of Human Trafficking Victims Within Migration Flows
Brant M. Horio, Kyle M. Ballard
Simulating Heterogeneous Farmer Behaviors under Different Policy Schemes: Integrating Economic Experiments and Agent-Based Modeling
Shang Wu, Asim Zia, Mengyuan Ren, Kent Messer
Citizen-centric Government Services Ecosystem: An Agent-Based Approach to the Theory of Planned Behavior
James R. Thompson, Trevor Caskey, Alison Dingwall, Zoe Henscheid
IV. Future Directions
Plato’s Cave to Unite Americans and Save Democracy but Not Without Analytics
Maury Seldin, Liz Johnson